Friday, October 26, 2007

shallow in loving

disclaimer: this post contains religious matters... if you hate religious people and its rant.. i suggest you to click the box with 'x' in it (read: close window)...

ahem ahem... as a christian.. no doubt i am taught to love ppl regardless of who they are, what is their background, what they have done to me and so on.. (the list could go quite long)..

well, 3 years of my christian life.. i found it not easy to love ppl.. i do learn to be more patience and to control my anger... but a lot of times (without i knowing it sometimes) i tend to be bias when someone offended me or when i dont really like that someone...

what struck me the most is that... some christians (include me), we are still shallow in loving ppl... really.. i am not kidding you or myself...


ask yourself this:
how many of you (esp christian), would still stuck to that ppl when that ppl have a very very very very very serious attitude prob?

how many of you (esp christian), despite all the scriptures wrote, able to accept a person unconditionally even when that someone proven to always bring problem?

well a lot a lot more questions that we need to ask ourselves...

how many of you, give up easily on someone that need help yet seems to refuse your offer?

many times we are expected or more accurately we are commanded by the Highest One to love, to accept them...

but... what struck me the most is....

many ppl that i know in church, when they left church, the church ppl seems to neglect them.. or to be more precise, the church ppl tend to forget bout them and do not care bout their well being...

it is like, 'when you attending church i will love you, i will care for you.. but when you arent, i wont care bout you... why must i?'

it makes me sad.. to see how shallow my life is...

isnt it we must love them all the more when they leave God?

isnt it we must make friends with all people even when they leave the church?

well you might say 'but they are the one who cut the relationship first'

but does that mean we are to give up?

i am writting this not to criticize the church or the people, because in the beggining i wrote that even i found myself shallow in term of loving as how God has loved me...

i am writing this to open our eyes...

i am writing this so that we can learn to love and to accept ppl as how God wants it to be..not to be so shallow...

and for those unchurch ppl, i am writting this to show that church and christians are not perfect, we are not God.. we are merely human just like you all, but one thing we know that you dont is that we have big and living God...

i am here, do want to apologize on behalf of all christians (included myself) that has offended you in many ways... :) one thing for sure.. God loves you and He will not forsake you...

why i say that?

coz even when my life was so messed up.. God never forsake me... .:)


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