Thursday, August 06, 2009


I am in love with L'Occitane... nice!!!!

i am now reading Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey N.

its a good book i might say, well written and the plot really flows smoothly... as if i am so expert.. duh??

my trip to KL/Singapore was a good one... it was an extreme fun and also a time where i really leak such a very top secret information... shesshhh... sometimes i wonder, did i do the right thing? well anihow.... im not expecting any black mail.. ha ha ha...

well i do miss my old good friends.. with all the heart to heart talk, with all the hardcore-fun we had, i really thank God for them... 10 years already we've known each other! haha.... where would i find such bunch?

ermm i think i bound to be a bad neighbor.. today i ran over my neighbor's vase ha ha ha... i am so sorry... i really din see the small little vase...

dikos: if u happen to read this, all the best with ur job oh... and i miss talking to u over the net, so come back to msn can? ha ha ha...

so astalavista~~

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