Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Ok.. So i lost my phone last two weeks but thank God for new hp hehe.. Which i used nw to type ths post haha.. And fyi, my pc decided to die few days ago.. Wht a month..
Anihoot.. I watched the day the earth stood still, my review.. Its just another average movie.. This movie has no peak moment or whtsoever tht can make ur adrenaline rushed to ur head.. Ow and ow.. I watched it with new friend.. Haha.. Gv him credit for teman me watch movie at ungodly hour..
Oh yeah.. The other day, i think early dec.. I was working and this aunt with her 2 kids come.. So they got into conversation.. And the end bfore they left shop, her son said, 'whteva my dad says is right coz he is my dad' wow! Im amazed! Indeed there is power in words tht we say, esp if u r strong figure in one's life.. Wow! I must say tht it teach me really to control my tongue..
Have i mentioned my reward workin in 1u? Beside some free drinks, new friend n loads of rare funny incidents tht make me laugh so hard.. I love to see beautiful n strong relationship tht is in some of my customers.. It really makes me so grateful of wht i hv and God is so good..
Aniway.. Its late.. Hehe.. Ow ya im addicted to caffeine..
Signing off~~
Thursday, December 11, 2008
vanity O vanity
thts it..vanity it is.. when i write something meaningful, my PC decided to fail me... ok la... vanity it is then...
seriously i will post it tomorrow ok? hahaha now i am too tired to start it all over again...
Sunday, December 07, 2008
me and my Iced Caramel Machiato, Large, and Low Fat Milk..
liverpool won 3-1
my mom will buy me Guess jacket that i love so much...
is it the best day or what?
i got mission tomorrow.. big one.. :D
Sunday, November 30, 2008
so what?
*breathe* ah... i feel good now...want to throw me with egg? ehheeh
finally i can say it out loud hahahaha... vios only still want to act so big.. u know or not vios in jakarta is a taxi???????????????????? u know or not?????????? if i want to buy a bmw also i can... of course i borrow my dad's money first la hahahahah... (another shameless claim)...
anihow... well... my myvi will passing by LDP quite a lot ahahahah... so watch out...
ok... nitez all .. i am signing off...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
anihow i am watching keroro gunso... this movie is funny wei.. and keroro is cute .. where got ppl hor.. in the middle of serious fight, the weapon (kero ball) out of bat? hahahaha...
u must go watch keroro gunso if u r as lame as me...hahaha 24 years old (still counting) yet still as lame... i mean, who wont like keroro? who wont like shin chan? who wont like smtg silly? who???????????????
Friday, November 21, 2008
relaxing friday.. me lovin' it
ok... as u know, i have been very very bery busy lately... due to events in church, work, cell group and bla bla bla... dont even have time to sleep.. my room is like a stop point for me to sleep at nite (should i say nite?) and it is at very poor condition.. even a fly doesnt want to stay in my room coz its beyond what we defined as dirty... :P
anihoot... not much happening lately except the fact there was some serious tension between me and tai ko coz of emerge junior, first time in my life i cried in the presence of other ppl... ugh! thts so not me! :( well well ... i hope he doesnt see me as some paranoid girl hahahah :D
madagascar 2.. its funny but kinda overrated
oh and last nite for the the very first time after so long, i did DVD marathon... from 1am to 5am hahahahaha coolness...i watched narnia, and it is so cool!!! and i watched the nanny's diary, the movie is so sweet and touching... :D so so so touching... must watch movie i ought to say... maybe tonite i shall do that again.. hahaha... :D and tonite i will begin my detox program also in conjunction to finish my detox drink that tastes like bubble gum (liquid type)...
well... i had a conversation with diana on our way to LCCT from sunway... it was so so so encouraging and i love how we connect hahaha.. i mean, at first i tot she is a serious type of girl, but after much talking she is not! and her family is so cool! hahahah i want to meet her family if can... :D but now i really feel encouraged and believe even more in God's promises...
oh ya.... hehehehehehe lately hor, i've been talking in BM... and my colleague, JUlia, always laugh at my indo language.. ahahahaha it was so funny... now i know what pengkid means, and how our words is terbalik one... like, how i spell pegang always make her laugh and how she spell mantah that can make me laugh...
and i hate driving along LDP..... these cars got problem one...... really really got problem...
oh ya and i just realized, at 1U got so many pondan one..... so so many! and got so many 'gatal' uncle preying for younger chick.. for example this 30-ish uncle from De'quarzt shop (next to our shop) is actually trying to go after my 17-year-old-friend that happen to work together with me.. i mean, he will purposely walk to toilet for like 1000 times a day (mb his bladder got prob) and then everytime he passes by our shop he will give us this killer look (more to scary look that makes us laugh so hard) and then yesterday he ate his lunch on the bench outside our shop.. i mean,he never done that when my friend not working.. (my friend just work part time and she break for 3 weeks due to her SPM)... i mean.. does this uncle know that he can go to jail? hahahaa.... oh and his face... ermmmm... a bit like Mr.Bean..hahaha...
ok la..
signing off first... i have a lot of silly revelation to write but i once i remember i will write it down.. hehehe
Saturday, November 15, 2008
40 hours...
ok la...
Sunday, November 09, 2008
its weekend!
well... actually i've been craving for coffee bean's ultimate coffee ice blended but the problem is... coffee bean is so far away.. *sob*
i will update again soon
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
where art thou?
my heart grows impatient now...
my future seems blur now...
u r out of my reach in one moment and seem so close in one moment... which one is the truth?
*slap slap*
Sunday, November 02, 2008
i am?
i am FAT... :( booo..
and and and i confirm 100% that my hairstylist is straight guy ... hahaha... i mean... stereotype mah... i mean... i mean... usually guy hairstylist (in general) is gay.. i hope ppl outhere wont stoned me to death... i am not judging gay community out there.. i even have few gay friends and i feel comfortable hanging out with them, but i feel not comfortable when see them too too affectionate hehe.. :D
i am in charge for Junior Emerge 2008? the first junior emerge ever held by our only Church.. wow! big thing for me.. big leap of faith for me... anihow, tai ko if u ever read this.. i want ZEN!!! u said if i help u do4 more things u will belanja me ZEN hahaha... :P so i think i've done more than that....
wow! wow! amazing! i am so so so happy and terrified too hahaha.. :D
ah i feel so happy when my cg members connected to each other.. oh God thank You..
anihow.. i should be studying now~~
signing off~
ungodly hour with ungodly panda eyes
ok i am about to fall sick i guess... :( God forbid i fall sick because next week i have 2 important papers le!
ermm past few days i've been so captivated... sigh... it makes me harder to let go, isnt it? sometimes i wonder, how i go through my last heartbreak... ermm .. some says time heals, but i would say distance heals too.. say "aye" with me.. AYE!
this week i have the greatest gift ever.. many ppl told how much they love me, how much they appreciate me and bla bla bla.. but this week also i realized that my job has taken so much of my time that i hardly have time to meet some ppl i miss a lot: jasmine, sandy, anna, shirley, meng chyi, and chintia.. i miss them a lot! :(
i miss my friends in sg too... i see their pics.. they have so much fun.. i also want! hehehe i miss u.... leiliana and wuisan esp... miss ya heaps... hiks.. kangen nih say!!!
ok la i blank already... :P tata...
this is a very ungodly hour i repeat...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
captivated still...
should i be sad? knowing the truth... the truth i know now is painful one..
sigh.. i can only smile knowing it.. yet... my heart still captivated... my eyes still captivated...
it is weird how i can just locate you.. it is weird how one simple gestures from you can me smile whole day... it is weird how one smile from you can make me smile too...
i think thats what i have for you...
i think i just in love...
i told myself i will let go, but its harder to do than said..
*slap slap*
study ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
bad hair days again...
God, can i? somehow... i am captivated still...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
its very scattered around...
ok.. today its not so good at work... how could we lost RM100 for my name's sake? how? ugh! there it goes my first salary... boo!! i dunno how to tell my supervisor? i feel so lausy. .can even keep track on the cash... ugh! what have i done in monash for 4 years?
oh yeah,... btw.. today.. my colleague's bf called her at around 9pm asked her to leave early just like that when he knew tht she was working... i mean... what kind of attitude is tht? whr is their sense of responsibility? if it is urgent then its diff la.. but but but.. this is... kind of ridiculous... it is! sigh...
just because i am a part-timer they thought can bully me is it? hahaha.. well i din feel angry.. just that i feel a bit weird la.. i mean working = commitment mah...
and i found the most boring job ever.. at first i always think that security guard is the most boring job.. their job is to sit around making sure nothing happened..but then if nothing really happened it can be really bored for them eh? but now i know something more boring than security guard... it's the toilet's keeper (i dunno the exact name la).. they are just there and sit there... i dun mean to degrade them.. to be honest when i see them sitting in the rest room.. i feel helpless for them.. but what can i do?
my bro once told me, "its not that they dont want to change, but they are stuck where they are.."
at first i was kinda disagree but... now that i think again.. mb its true..some of them.. they are in the age that they cant do much bout their lives.. .sad huh?
ah.. exam is here but i just unmotivated to study rite now... seriously ... i dun like studying now... i want to earn my own money!!
my parents is coming this christmas.. oh yeah! it means shopping and eating good food... yummy.. hehehehe i gonna plan where to bring them.. hahaha... mb i should learn how to drive up to genting.. hehe.. its kinda scary...
ok la i am tired..tomorrow gotta study..
signing off~~
Thursday, October 16, 2008
my favorite drink
so today i gonna tell you all my favorite drink:
1. COCA COLA.....
coke and i go way back when i was in college.. i remember i like this swimmer when i was in college and he is so so so handsome.. he loves coke (till now) and so i also developed love towards coke that is so deeply till now that if coke doesnt affect my health i would drink it like water...
2. ICED TEA (or the malaysian called it TEH O' AIS)
that's the only drink i order when i go to mamak stalls... hehehe.. lest i got bored and i ordered barley ais... (trying to be healthy)... hehehe..
oh yeah, i found this heavenly drink when i was in CANADA.. i love it..despite the fact my mom keep on nag me on how much its not good for my body, i still buy it whenever i go to a market... i mean, how much is the chance i can go back to CANADA just to get this drink? i swear, when my bro come back for holidays, i gonna made him buy me 1 dozen of it.. i hope he doesnt got detained for it...
yesh.. another great drink... my family loves it too... hehehe i tricked my mom to buy a lot a lot of it during CNY by telling her it was to serve the guest but when in fact i drank most of it...
yummilicious... nice, one shot of espresso with low fat milk topped with caramel.. not to sweet and keep me awake... thts a bonus tho its kinda expensive
great drink... i still can bite the coffee bean literally.. how cool is that?
ermmm.. i know its very the traditional.. but its good u know... hehehe...
yesh... the ultimate drink.. ehheheheehehhe i drink like a bull... hahah..:P
there ladies and gentlemen, what i drink occasionally and daily... hahahaha... next is my favorite person on earth... hahahahaha
i think favorite person is so not fun.. so i gonna make my least favorite person i knw since my day in HS and college.. there was the time when i hate ppl and think i am the most high one.. hahaha :P
oh ya.. and i've been meaning to write this to whoever person behind dawnwayang... ahem ahem *clears throat*
"oh puh-lease... you are just jealous no matter what u r saying on ur blog... if u r not jealous and trying to get revenge or in your term "defending the real innocent one".. go and reveal urself and confront her in the face straight (tho it would be impossible given that dawn in NYU now)"
ah.. relieve is what i feel it is... *phew*
signing off~~
Sunday, October 12, 2008
i am that annoying
today as i work, i met this loving couple, mind you, their not some romantic type one..but from their conversation, i can see that the hubby is one loving hubby and dad, giving opinion when his wife shops.. i mean, how many guys do that? the wife also is a very sweet woman..asking in sweet and loving voice for her hubby opinion.. and the son... cute!!! hahaha..
well, i drove back home just now and i became a very annoying driver.. behind me was this myvi tailing me so close.. and i never like ppl tail me so close! whats ur prob? ur wife giving birth is it? usually i will just let the car behind me to pass by me by letting them go, but tonite, i think i was just cranky bcoz i am that tired and annoying.. so i purposely drive faster to make sure i always ahead of that stupid myvi (my myvi not stupid)... and... and.. when i take to the left lane as i have to take my exit turning, the myvi also have to take left exit... lo and behold he/she tried to cut me but then i dunno which evil spirit came to me.. i honked the car and cut him back.. i tell u... i am that annoying.. sorry.. i can be that kiasu!
well thts for today
oh and i bought a blouse.. me loving it..
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
has nathan gone crazy?
what is going on in peter's mind?
what? u tell me, are sylar and peter brothers?
and.... has peter became more handsome? me heart him! hahahahahaha..
well anihow.. i cant seem to do my work! sigh!!! if this continue... i tell u... thats it man!! my members gonna kill me big time!!! big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait wait wait..before the days end.. i want to show something *ta da*
Sunday, September 28, 2008
i cut my hair again
ok... tonite will be another busy nite for me... toiling for report... oh report... how i wish i can just miraculously finished it!
i think i never regretted my hair cut as long as it is under the right hand...
ok lar.. gotta do my work liao.. c ya!
Friday, September 26, 2008
是 我 太 傻 吗?
lately... too many feeling inside me.. i just duno where to start.. but i think today i wanna post in chinese.. pardon me that it's been years that i write in chinese.. so it would be kinda mushy mushy and makes u wanna puke... *grin*
心 情 很乱, 情 绪 不 稳 定.
别 给 我 任 何 希 望.
身 边 的 朋 友 都 说 我太 傻,
我就 是 个 傻 瓜.
笑 我 傻
笑 我 太天真
就 算 天 塌 下 来,
我 不 会 那 麽 轻 易 放 弃
btw.. i wanna meet Paris Tan and do something to my hair.. hahaha... :P i get very agitated already...
i think, i think, i dunno why.. i just feel that this coming leader's retreat gonna be something great for me..
ok i am tired... :P
signing off~~
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
i tell u.. my design project can work but my thesis having problem now.. u say i stress no? please please please pray for me.. :( i am so worried now..
i wanna meet someone.. ahahahaha... :P
ok lar.. gotta do my work ...
signing off~~
p.s i have big urgency to cut my hair.. i miss Paris.... :(
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
just in minutes, my dream seem so far away...
i dunno what to say....
this is not how You work God...
should i stay believe? or it is just because my desire far greater than it supposed to be?
You keep my tears Lord rite now...
Let it be worthy of what i cried for..
It never easy...
in the end, i will still know You are my God...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
blessed weekend
this weekend we have Pastor Tan Seow How in our midst to bring the word of God. i truly blessed and encouraged by his powerful testimony. Its really touching to listen to his ups and downs in achieving his dream.. He also really break my mindset and give me a new vision for my CG.
Pastor Tan also a humble man and so sincere in his words... i feel so close to him when he preached on the stage... i love you Pastor Tan!
the appreciation lunch with the usher team also has been a blessing to me.. bring back my old memories when i served as an usher... indeed its a whole new season for the usher dept.. tho someone keep on tease me on how much i miss the usher.. :P dun blame me when i really go back to usher k? hahaha..
anihow... pictures will be posted soon... hehehe
i really thank God to put me in this church and i believe this is truly where i belong.. hehe...
guess what i bought from pasar malam last mon? hehehe.... i bought pirated mp3 dvd... its a compilation of all jacky cheung's songs... wuih.. amazing!!!! hehehe once i go back indo, i will go to my old house and collect all my cassettes... i have a lot...
i am happy but i cant again to share it... hahahaha
signing off.. me going to sleep..
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Daniel Powter and Joke
but thats not the whole point... how many of us just because of small stones in front of our way then we decided to stop trying? i mean, he has difficulty in writing and reading, but he conquered that... i am impressed...
so everybody, Daniel Powter Rocks! *grin*




here some tips to get rid of your annoying friends:
1. be more annoying than him/her
2. wear somethings that he/she doesnt like - if he/she hates perfumes smell, all the more u need to spray it all over ur body...
3. make he/she eats something that he/she allergic too - let say ur friend allergic to Pork, then chopped that Pork to pieces, and make sheeperd Pie and told him/her that it is purely beef...
4. "accidentally" scratch his/her car when u "coincidentally" park beside his/hers
5. continually asking same question over and over again, like "do u think i am pretty?" or "do u think that guy likes me?" or "do u think i smart?" heehehe whatever question that all bout i, me and myself will do and remember ask in like frequency of 1MHz... u do the math.. if by the end of the day ur friend still stuck with u.. u r helpless already...
do u have a good laugh? i hope u do...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
No Tittle
i was re-watching (for like zillion times) season 7 where monica and chandler got married... chandler says this in his marriage vow: "any surprises come along, its okay, because i will always love you.." i think its sweet and really sincere...
as u know, big words or fancy words are not what i am looking for.. and i not good in wording too... but one word or one little action is enough for me.. thts y i never fall in love with romantic or arty guy... hahaha well... i think i've mentioned it somewhere bfore....
ermmm i really wanna buy a cardigans from this website.. its really pretty oh.. should i buy it?
aniwei... i dunno what i should write now... so thts for the nitez...
signing off~~
love life!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
ran dome
she played me all the songs she has composed through out the years... it was awesome and she is talented in many ways. when she played the worship songs that she wrote, i really felt the presence of God just swept in to the room, just like that.. its amazing!
i think lately many happening things happened in my spiritual walk with God. i just cant explained it words but i feel a lot closer to Him.
oh ya btw i got an job offer from the place i did my industrial training as an assistant engineer. and next week i will start my part time job at 1U hehe.. i think not bad, i will work 3 days per week, and i counted if i work for 8 hours / day, i will earn about RM400 per month.. not bad as a side income.. hehehe..
ah thinking of the money.. oh money... money oh money.. i love money.. moy love money...
hehehe why so money minded one?
oh ya... actually i begin to feel agitated bout my hair already... it just like 3 weeks since i last visited Paris to do something with my hair.. i told myself that i need to stay strong hahaha.. i think i just crazy.. i feel bored with my hair cut already.. i feel so normal already.. ugh! work first.. heehehe..
how to be slim? what say u? hehehe..
ok i know i am very random now..
oh goodness, i am watching juno now, and one of the guy casting look like greg hehehe.. and the phone juno use is so cute.. hahahaha... mb i should get one of those.. its in the shape of hamburger.. hehee.. so cute..
i think i very random today but well... i think i just random..
ah ok lar.. i go and continue my juno..
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
feast for the eyes~


btw i wanna go watch "mama mia!" who wanna go?
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
the Big C trip pictures - part 2 (supposedly)
the photos cant be uploaded... till then, just wait ya... :(
Sunday, September 07, 2008
the Big C trip pictures - part 1
ok it is very an odd hour.. i shall sleep first.. i will upload more photos tomorrow for sure.. this is just some random pic i choose coz i look good in it.. *grin*
signing off~~
Saturday, September 06, 2008
gloomy weather but happy week..
on monday and tuesday i practically lost my voice, i cant talk at all.. i was so suffered.. now i know feeling of being mute.. ugh! hahaha never again i want to lost my voice..
thursday was a great day... of course i have to deal with midterm test and also project but at nite i have a pleasant time... it was actually my first time having dinner with him.. hahahaha... at least i know he's a bit lame now and i know he's really a deal for me!
on friday.... i was super busy but hey... again i have great time withe the wonderful bunch of people! oh goodness, i just love them...
ok ok ok.. my bro is coming.. hahahaha.. yay! and and i cant wait for the things he's bringing for me...
btw i wonder, am i having a super power against fever? seriously, i got throat infection that spread to my voice box and yet there i was without the slightest fever.. none! i am amazed! well not so actually, i kinda miss the feeling of being fever.. ugh! or mb i consume too much panadol over the years? u tell me.. is there such thing as immunity to fever?
i really thank God actually that i have been given chance to serve God with the best team ever.. i mean, hehehe i was actually entrusted with bigger things this year emerge.. hehehe... well i know i am busy but hey its all worth it...
oh ya, last nite i went to have supper at asia cafe, guess what, my friend ordered a fried rice and she wanted a container to wrap some of the fried rice back home coz it was so big of a portion.. and guess what... the guy came back with another portion of the fried rice packed ready to go.. i mean.. sweat! so i have to paid it and bring it for my breakfast this morning.. sob! it doesnt taste so good after i reheat it! ugh!
today is the convocation for some of my friends.. so for dikos, cy, aida, wani, mayyah, timo, and benny.. congratz... live life to the fullest! hehehe.. go get married or be a billionaire ok? ehehe..
talking bout it.. i think i know already what i wanna do after i graduated.. i will work in event field for sure.. yesh it is my passion! hehe.. thank GOd for the dream u have planted in my heart long before i even realized it..
oh btw, i might be going to New Zealand and Australia, the land under.. ho ho ho... thank God.. i know i am so blessed... hehehe btw anyone know is it hard to get visa to NZ?
ok lar.. c ya all... i really need to clean up my room.. hehehe
signing off~~
Monday, August 25, 2008
rainy days..
it was a beautiful morning yesterday, a perfect weather to just tug in to my blanket and cuddle inside and sleep.. dream a beauty dream.. yet, i got a phone call to come to church office... i could have declined that request and just continued to do my agenda.. but its just in my blood to be a lovey-nice person... hence, the "yes" proceed out from my mouth...
but, all good thing has its reward in its own way.. my reward, its unbelievable.. :) but its for me to know and for u to guess..
sometimes, what we want distract us from our main agenda.. yes, thats what i am facing rite now, its now easy to keep myself on track, sometimes i got too distracted, that i need to slap myself real hard..
ok on random side, whats wrong with malaysian drivers? u tell me? i mean, seriously, first they don have sense of measurement is it? they can park their car so out of the box that sometimes the neighboring cars have difficulty to come in or out... i mean, when you park ur car, before u got down the car, please check lar! or, if u just cant park, my advice, dont drive!!!! parking is a essential skill u need kay?
and they love to put high light one oh? do u know its very annoying for the car from the opposite side? i almost bang a car on my left side coz the car coming towards me on the high light! stupiak! i mean, u want to on, on a while, check the road thts it... need not on it all the way lar! annoying!!!!!!!!!!! if u dunno the rules, dont drive either!
ugh! sorry ler malaysian, not to be bias, but i have kept this for so long! i think malaysian drivers need to buck up! hahaha.. :P
i am hungry and sleepy..
signing off~~
Friday, August 22, 2008
i think i should just marry Paris...
well anihow, since i wont be getting any hair extension, i got my hair highlighted.. not so obvious tho coz i dun want to be too extreme.. btw, Paris said, extension can up to RM1000... wow! i am the el-cheapo wont spend my money on blardy stranger's hair glued to my hair.. hahaha..
btw, after i done with my hair, it was raining cat and dog.. hehehehe... just a bit of weather info only nothing to do with anything..
i bought my final pair of jeans.. hehe.. yay with this complete the things i wanna buy... and that also ended my shopping spree... i love the jeans.. tho i have to really killed my wallet... for the next few weeks i will be eating indomee.. yummy.. indomee...
oh btw, today for the first time Paris actually washed my hair, i feel very awkward lar... haahaha... i am not used with someone i know to serve me ler..... i know its very random now.. hahaha..
btw the happy things is... someone i know.. eh wait... two person i know now is a couple.. hahahaha... i better take chance to tease them while i can..
and.... good news... petrol is now RM2.55 effective tomorrow.. hehehe.. i tell u... i am rejoicing.... Pak Lah... i love you... hehehe..
lalala... i think i am cute.. hahahahaha..
btw today i watched "Animal School Musical".. super cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cartoon version of Highschool musical...
ok peeps, in 2 weeks time i will receive my canada trip picture.. ehehe.. woo hoo.. i got some good shot there.. and wuala i will receive a box of indomee.. oh mama mia~~
ok to all single ppl out there, here's a song for you:
g'day all..
Thursday, August 21, 2008
hehehe.. i am sleepy but i am happy coz our fashion team giving a lot of improvement already.. :D
signing off...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cinta Dalam Hati By. Ungu
mengagumi tanpa dicintai,
tak mengapa bagiku,
saat kaupun bahagia dalam hidupmu, dalam hidupmu
telah lama kupendam perasaan itu
menunggu hatimu, menyambut diriku
tak mengapa bagiku,
cintamu pun adalah bahagia untukku, bahagia untukku
kuingin kau tahu,
diriku disini menanti dirimu
meski kutunggu hingga ujung waktuku
dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
dan ijinkan aku memeluk dirimu
kali ini saja
tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejap saja
Sunday, August 17, 2008
new experience!
i love the way we unite our heart just to win.. hahaha mb can consider to play again next year..but to be honest.. very tired... :P almost got cramp oh my leg..
it was a great experience.. and another amazing experience awaiting for us is the fashion design competition.. :D i love i love i love i love i love... me love! we really hope that we can win hahaha.. but what i treasure so much is the time we spend together.. brainstorming together... and also.. i really thank God for a wonderful team members esp easter for her time and her effort.. she has all the reason to say no.. but she is a lovely girl that really put a great effort and thought in to this competition... also a big hug to yvone, feli, and pretty sandy... :D i learn how to use curler iron, how to apply mouse and much more!
and also i am very happy today... :D my hero looks very hensemm... hahahaha...... ok lar stop it liao..
i need my rest.. i need my rest
btw i really love my CG.. they are the best bunch i've ever met! you guys rock my life!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Jacky Cheung, me love!
he has a great voice and true up to now, none of HK artiste can beat his record! and more than that, he is just so down to earth man!
i love jacky.. i think i will begin to collect his CD again.. hehehehe... he is just awesome! man! now i know why i like him.. just because of one of his song that my bro accidentally found on the radio i can admire this much! yesh, he is that good!
many ppl judge him for not being able to play any instrument or composing song, but hey, he is just good, his voice is good and to be honest, he is just talented! is his gift! u can actually recognize his voice.. not many singer can have that!
gosh! God can i meet him? hehehehehe..
ok... this is one the song i like... :)
go and check it out.. and you'll know why i love him so much and why many ppl out there admire him and why he is acknowledge as God of singer in HK... hehehe... i know the title a bit too much.. but hey i think he deserve it and somemore he still can maintain his quality for 2 decades and more! and he is not too cocky for the achievements he has so far... what a great man he is!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
smile-ish me...
my heart...
to be honest, its been years since i have this kind of feeling.... and i kinda dunno how to react properly... *blush*
the feeling of excitement knowing i will meet you. The feeling of happiness of having a glimpse of you.
i think i was blushing the other nite when i was with you... do you know how hard was it for me to talk to u like normal?
its been so long since my mind wonder around.. since my mind go to the fairy tales land.. for too long i've been living in the realistic world...
i have a small prayer in my heart for so long... can i be the one for you? can i be the one that will bring joy and love to ur life? can i be the one that will put that kind of smile on your face?
i have a small prayer in my heart for so long... can you be the one that stand by me? can you be the one that will hold my hands thru thick and thin?
even from the way u calling me can make me flattered the whole day, cant stop thinking bout it..
even one SMS can made my day so bright...
i think, without i knowing it, you have a greater influence over my life this few years.... do u know that?
if i could... if i could make a selfish prayer... i want to tell my dear Abba that i want to be with you... Abba, can i? regardless of what people says, i believe what i see and what i feel strongly, one word from You is what i desired... :)
my feeling for you is getting stronger each day...
if i could, i wanna be the one that can touch ur heart and bring that smile...
can u open ur eyes and see me?
i am right here... mb you never know, i've looking up for u for as long as i know you..
admiration become crush, crush become like... i cant say love yet, but you know what, i just cant take my eyes off of you...
you got what i want, you know what you want in ur life and you know what u r doing... you are most importantly fear God and humble...
the way you respect people regardless your position, the way you appreciate people around you and the way you lead people... just make me even more sure of what i see in you..
if i rhyme a song.. this song will come out...
"nobody told me u feel so good,
no body said you'd be so beautiful,
no body warns me bout your smile,
you're the light, you're the light, when i close my eyes,
im colorblind,
you made me colorblind"
ah ok i better stop here.. else the emotion i've kept for years will come non stop.. better i dun open that gate eh?
i feel my hair is kinda out of style liao hahaha...
i am tired...
and hungry...
when can i hv a greater calling again?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
randomly written @ odd hour...
well yesterday is a happy day for me hahahah but u know, i cant really share it out because hahahaha its just my personal thing.. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..see its hard when i cant share my joy.. hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaaha..
i just finish my report, i feel that there is something missing from my report.. i hope its complete enough or i hope tomorrow morning i will have more revelation on the report.. :P
well... the situation back at home not so good but i thank God that somehow i see a light and that i believe God is making a change in my family.. :D i put my trust in You, Lord..
ok you know what, its 3.13 freaking am... soooo i gotta sleep and read some magz i just borrowed from sandy.. a lot of pretty pretty baju.. me like!
ow btw... i am forced to join futsal competition.. ahhhh i cant even run! haahahahaha... seriously... how? but as a good supporter of my own cluster i got no choice but to help them out... seriously... i panicking now hahaha.. jaya said just run and kick the ball hahahaha.. yeah !
dear God, can i?
signing off...
Monday, August 11, 2008
my heart, do u know it?
whats with no open heart? you mean i cant take people's wrong doing? you mean i cant serve people as much as you do? hey, i know you have the heart for people, but dont put the situation as if i am doing it because i have other intention... if i have no heart for people, why would i take all the trouble?
its a total insult for me!
yes no doubt i really respect your attitude in serving and running the extra mile, but one thing i know for sure, and one thing i learn is that i know when to say no and when to delegate my task.... dont insult me when you dont even know what is inside my heart!
you know, if you are not my dearest friend, may be i will just insult you back in meaner way i could be!
but btw, i wont make it ruining my day.. hahahahahahahah i am just happy and i choose to be happy...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
oh happy day~~
well, yesterday nite i sent alice to SJMC coz she was really sick and she got admitted there and then...
well what made me so pissed off was that the doctor there really have no sense of urgency, there alice was lying in pain and suffering, but they took their own sweet time doing some admin stuff, writing prescription or whatsoever lar... disregarding of what the sick ppl need... ugh! seriously, whats wrong with these doctors and nurses? and it took them like 30 minutes to prepare the injection for alice.. what?!!!!??? i am super mad!!!!!!!!
thank God she is well now and tomorrow can be discharge... thank God...
anihow.. today is a happy day.. i have conversation.. i have conversation..short one but meaningful... thank God.. hahahahahaha :P
i have great time with sandy too... hehehehe... she is one wonderful sister for me... glad to know her...
yeah, ladies and gentlemen, i am that tired now.. so signing off now.. muach..
Thursday, August 07, 2008
ghost, no?
well.... i dunno should i tell this or not.. hahahahahaha..
i've been bumping into some weird cases before (praise God i did not see "it", i faint i tell u)
see, i've been moving to 4 different places in 3 years time... so yeah, everyplace has it different story... (but thank God the last one confirm safe)....
but the most creepy one was my previous place... i have 4 continuous dreams about that place that gives me creepy feeling... and the dream was so real, EACH ONE OF IT... and... on one particular nite.............. i heard voices at 3am for about 30minutes (but that was the first and last time).. sadly, the next day i din hear anything as i was waiting in my room...
weird thing is, my housemate din feel whatsoever oh... what? not fair! hahaha but... my cousin and my sis came before and stayed there.. i din tell them anything bout my so called encounter as i din want to freak them out (very troublesome if they begged me to stay at 5-stars hotel haha).. one nite, my cousin did her laundry at a very odd hour (3am), she was sitting outside alone, suddenly she was shivering and felt uneasy... she forgo all her laundry and straight went to bed... i din know this till i moved out from that house and she brought this up suddenly during my holiday...
well... that just one... the one in my 2nd place in sunway not so scary lar... hahah but i also got this encounter where in that particular week, i woke up at midnite and felt someone is watching me! scary! i prayed till i fell to my sleep back...
wellllll.. i dunno why i end up with ghost story... but just as i tell you, this is all just my small encounter and i thank GOd that He is protecting me all the time..
Monday, August 04, 2008
Privacy, no?
ermmmm... i dunno whats wrong with the youngsters out there... seriously, do u guys even utilize ur brains?
i mean, i know its ur blog, its ur personal blog, u can write whateva u want, BUTTTT there are always certain things u should keep it low profile and private, for personal use only!
seriously, be it good thing or not or grey area, you must know the boundaries...
if something happened, u guys will start to justify urself and flaming others for not respecting ur privacy, if at the first place you expose ur private life.. how on earth u gonna be respected my dear?
esp girls lar... to be honest, what so good posting ur S*X life? know to protect urself girl, esp if you practicing S*X before marriage... i beg ur pardon, respect and protect urself... u r only harming urself... nothing to be proud of by doing it seriously... (I DO NOT PROMOTE PRE-MARITAL S*X , I STRONGLY AGAINST IT), love yourself girl...
what happened to the youngster nowadays?
this post is not aimed at one particular person, this written after i read several different blogs and notice this pattern...
not all will agree with me, this is just my 2 cents....
Thursday, July 31, 2008
tralala trilili... i tell u hor... live is so much fun after i watch batman! bleah, i bluff u... i think the dark knight movie was way overrated! yes it is! i mean, no doubt, Joker was awesome and really gave me the creepy feeling, but the story line? sucks! well not that bad, but its way too overrated... seriously!
well ...... am i in love? hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha YES!
OK LAR... buh bye.. i just remembered i have lab to finish... bye all!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Great people
i will always treasure the moment i have together with him... all the lunches, dinners and suppers.. i will never forget those moments...
i pray that both jen and you will have a great kick start in Singapore and that God will bring you further into your destiny and making history in the market place...
i will always carry east zone DNA.... you have left behind a great legacy for us, east zone leaders...
love you greg and jen....
i will miss you heap...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
dun get sick of this post kay?
as per usual.. you all know that my hairstylist, Paris Tan, is very much good in handling my hair...
so so so... to my horror.. he is no longer working in A'cut Above...
the story goes like this... on friday morning, after i settle my tuition fee, i decided to color and cut my hair.. so happily i headed to pyramid.. i wanted to gv him a call first but dunno why i did not... so..... this is the conversation..
Lady1 : hi
Me: hi, color and cut
Lady1: your hairstylist is Paris rite?
Me: yeah
Lady1: he is no longer work here, is it ok if i fix you with others?
for a split second i was too shocked! i was too shocked till i cant say a word but "ok" to answer her question..
i was quite desperate coz i need to get my hair done as on the nite i got event going on... so i told myself just got my hair colored and trimmed for the time being...
i was kinda sad coz i have to find new hairstylist meh? coz ar i tell you, he really good oh... never he cut my hair i dun like one... sigh...
i sms him ard 11 smtg... i tot no hope liao lar (seriously i think i am too over reacting rite? as if i lost something very important)
but Lo and Behold, he called me back...
so ladies and gentlemen, Paris is still my official hairstylist... kakakakakkakakakakakaka
wanna know where he works? Sheraton Hotel.. apparently there got salon oh.. now only i know..
guys, seriously, now u need not pay so expensive oh.. go and let him cut ur hair for once... sure u like one lar... hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah
i am one more time a happy girl....
Canada Trip...
my internet is back and the payment problem has been settled after over-dragged-time-frame.. hahaha so now i can use my internet in peace.. btw i need new shoes, my nike has worn off... blardy nike, even some capalang shoes my mom bought in CHINA is way much better than my NIKE that apparently made in CHINA... ironic eh?
ok ok ok.. thts the side note... now... the big update
my trip to CANADA... its AMAZING.. i fell in love with vancouver, dont want to come back if possible..
VANCOUVER a.k.a city of salmon... yesh, salmon is its local product... i tell you, if you are sushi lovers, u gonna love vancouver (beside japan being the originate country of sushi)... they are very much generous with salmon.. i've been bragging bout this since i touched down to asia...
then i went to victoria, its a beautiful place i tell you, very nice and quite place.. to go to victoria we need to take boat for 3 hours (this including whale watching)... i see real live whales.. its huge! haha but i got sea sick! ugh!
next, whistler mountain... pretty place to do cycling, ziptrekking, glacier tour ride and bla bla bla.... i love this place but too bad it was raining when we were there.. so i cant do the glacier tour ride... cheh!
seriously, canada is a beautiful place!!! water everywhere..ow btw, canada has 16% of world's water u can see water wherever you turn your head to.. amazing eh?
yeah btw, if americans say "huh" , the canadians say "eh".. i think "eh" sounds much nicer hahahahahahha i know i know i am being bias now...
then went to capilano river to cross the capilano suspension brigde.. i tell you, its a breakthru for me as i scare of height... ahahhahahahahahhahahahaha... beautiful place to do some walking, enjoying the day, or just chill down.... the weather was good too..
and then and then, went to vancouver botanical garden! have u been to singapore botanical garden? yesh this is much more better.. hahahahahahhaar well i am not a very nature appreciating kind of person but to be honest, its superb! or mb i just being suaku..
then went to montreal, quebec city (where they celebrating their 400 years anniversary... a lot of super stars held concert there, Sir Paul McCartney just had his concert in conjuction with its 400 years anniversary.. also they have Celine Dion)
Niagara falls is awesome!!!
in vancouver, we went to see Cirque De Soleil.. its a circus performance by a group from Montreal.. its amazing!!! the shows really bring back my childhood and bring me to like dream land... from the ligthing, how the arrange, the plot, the acrobatic stunts.. all are perfectly done! somemore i got the seats just 8th row from the stage... amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and funny too!!!
then the famous LUMBERJACK show!! amazing!!! funny and entertaining.. then towards the show, the producer/trainer come and suprise us with his own stunt action... at first all of us tot he was some crazy audience trying to show off as the MC also bluff us with her amazing act... but towards the end we know its a show.. amazing! and they guys handsome too... kakakkakakaka... thts a plus point...
the shopping also amazing... hahahah 40% percent off bay beh! i ate a lot too ....
btw i have class, continue soon.. picture is coming as it still with my bro... muah muah...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
update : the 24th year
wow i cant say anything actually..this year bday was more amazing than last blessed, so blessed!!!
i was so blessed not only in term of material but also with love, encouragement, and great friends! even my family actually prepared a cake for me.. i mean, my family is not the type that celebrate bday...
also, God gave me such a great gift for me, i got to meet kelvin loke again after almost 8 months and i am so glad that he is doing great and happy...
God also remind me and give big hug by telling that every little things that i do werent in vain through people that i love most.....
indeed this year bday was great... hahahahahahaha...
i got a lot of clothes, bag, money, love love and love....
big thanks to everyone who wishes me happy bday...
you know this is just very brief update... but i just really thank GOd for my bday gift...
next update: my trip to Canada...
Monday, June 16, 2008
rice dumpling
the mom: aiyo, no need u say also i arleady prepare the ingredients already.. just wait for u to come back
me: wah....
mom's heart always for the daugther's interest one ler... i heart you mom..
ahhh.. seriously i have no mood to study already.....
Friday, June 13, 2008
i want $$$
the big day getting nearer and i want a BOYFRIEND!!! hahaha.. and please get the hint ya.. this is so much a joke....
what i want is... none other than $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
btw.... i am so so so excited bout my holiday trip to the big C... khekhe..what i will do first is to compare the size of the subway sandwiches and the size of the burger.... i am gonna eat a lot! but i am going on summer so i cant see snow.. but but but if i go to rocky mountain which i believe i will then i can see real snow... real snow!!! its REAL!!! sorry if i am suaku ok.... hahaha...
btw... i am eyeing shades from dior and gucci... puh-lease someone donate to me... please take this as a hint ok...
btw... i am also eyeing a cap from FCUK ... khekhe....
and and and and my biggest desire is not... Toshiba Portege M800...i tell you.. its pweetttyyyy..... veryyyy.... i want!!!!!!!
i also want GOLD!!! yesh... gold price forever increase one!! other than that.. land property i also want....
i am getting greedy already now!
btw now i have a new-found-joy.. its to see my fuel tank pumped to the max... i am so happy to see the indicator pointing at F (full)... oh i am so fascinated, joyful and excited...
well... btw... the price shoot up to Rm2.7 per litre... ugh!
so all my dear friends who claim u love me... please give me big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
importance of status
whatever it is.. along the way in ourlives, we sure have status tagging us along...
why it is so important?
i think somehow status brings assurance to us... brings identity to us...
for example, it is always an assurance for us knowing tht we are our parents' children rather than just some strangers...
for example, when you love someone, and have spending time with them together, it is somewhat a special thing and assurance to us when he/she sees us as gf/bf... isnt it true?
i dunno bout guys, for i am not one...
but we girls, for us, it is very important to have that acknowledgment... aye girls?
well i think i wont date a guy who can even introduce me as his gf in the future... ah come on? if u cant acknowledge me dun say bout love... bluek!
btw btw btw... my BIG DAY is coming soon!!!!!! kakakakakaka
i am turning the BIG 24 this year... hehehe...
i want $$$$$$$$$$
lalalalala all my friends say i am very money minded.. well i think i am! hehehe...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
selling kacang
thank God..
selling desktop PC
proccessor: pentium 4 3.0GHz with FSB533
motherboard: LGA775 motherboard
graphic card: 6600GT 256MB at PCIE slot
HDD: 120Gb
17inch BenQ FP71G+ LCD
Price: RM1800 (negotiable)
1 year old
please kindly help me to spread the word around...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
bumpy road
so if i kinda disconnected from you while we are engaged in conversation i am so sorry!! hehe...
well.... the air ticket is at my hand already..the only thing that can cheer me up is my up coming holiday to the big C..
i think i need some hair therapy again.. my stressness really fueled up already...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
mysterious guest...
but enough is enough or else u guys gonna haunt me or haunt Paris and ask him to stop cut my hair... kakaka.. please dun do the latter one k? i really need him.. today as i was in church.. suddenly this tot came into my mind.. "what if i have to go back indo for good? who gonna take care of my hair?" ... hahaha... can u imagine that? thts the first question i asked my self.. usually.. ppl will think something like "how to move all my stuffs that have been pilling up like mountain?" or "what i gonna do if i go back for good?" or "who gonna take care of my CG?" hahaha but no no no... apparently i am not so holy hor... :P
ok ok enough of the hair...
tomorrow my bro is coming to KL for a while bfore flying back to indo... he's bringing my air ticket and my fav keropok.. i tell u..its spicy and yum!!!! i can just eat rice with that!!! hahaha.. cant wait for tomorrow already...
i have a dinner with a mysterious guest later... i dunno who is he... clueless.. will update u when i come back from dinner... who is he????? hahaha...
Saturday, May 24, 2008
my new hair cut!! finally... kakaka...
i love my side cutting.. its shorter than the other side.. i love it... kakakaka... i actually today ask a very tacky question "my haircut nice or not?" of course my friends can only say nice rite???? hahaha...
i hope no one will have the same hair cut as mine again..or else i really need to put fertilizer on to my hair to make it grow like horse's hair (do they grow fast? hahaha)....
am i a weirdo?
1. i always leave my feet (ankle to toe) not covered with the blanket when i sleep
i dunno why..i can cover my body only up to my ankle... i dun like the feeling of my feet fully covered.. just feel uncomfortable... haha...
2. i hate milk but i love cheese
yes yes... i dun like milk and according to my mom, i stopped drinking milk ever since i was 5 years old... i just dun like the cow's smell... got one time i was sick and my mom made me to drink milk... she bancuh one glass for me and what i did is i just stared on it for like 30 minutes and then gathered all my guts to gulp it... ugh! u know the bear brand milk? i hate it even more.. i lost my appetite once just because i had to drink it... but i love cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheese cake? yum.... if got cheese drink..mb i would try it..but sound a bit gross... kakaka...
3.i always comb my hair right before i go to bed
yes! thts what i d0... comb my hair make sure its neat enough before i go to my bed at nite... kakaka... kinda defeat the purpose of combing hair rite?
4.i extremely love coke, despite knowing it harms me
yes yes yes... i am that stubborn.. i can actually tell ppl not to drink coke coz its not good but still i cant refrain my self from drinking coke... esp on the days that i need to stay up late and need to work like mad... i prefer coke as my meals.. coz it makes me hyper...
5.the driver and passenger seat of my car must be symetrically equal...
i got agitated when ppl adjust either of one of the seat in my car... so now u know the rule when u sit in my car for free ride... kakaka.. lest u pay me, u r not allowed to adjust it! only certain ppl are allowed to do so...
6.i am very picky when it comes to my hair cut
yes.... i am that fussy.. u tell me... hahaha... i cant stand the fact that i dun go to my hairstylist in more than one month.. i got a bit agitated... i just in love with hair styles....
7.i am very into housewares (china set, cooking utensils, bed sheets, microwave and u named all the thing u can find in kitchen and i like all of it!!!)
say i am weird.. hahaha i prefer to shop in housewares department rather in clothes department... hahahaha.. yeah thats me!!!!!!
8.i read magz/newspaper from back to front
i dunno why... habit? hahaha...
9.i need time to differentiate between left and right...
those who ride in my car and give me direction bfore sure know i am sometimes get confuse with right and left... sigh! my processor is that slow... kakaka....
10.i have to read before i sleep.. anything will do.. i can actually read the label of my facial product just for sake of having something to read...
ermm yeah i can read anything just because i want to read but i wont read my text book.. i dunno why.. i think text book is like the most boring reading material ever created.... :D
thats all first for today
p.s i just got back from cut a'bove and get my new hair cut.. i love it!!!!! thanks Paris... :D
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
update here and there
well i touched down at my home at around 6++pm after having dinner with sandy, zoey and ken lo... after that i slept but i couldnt coz it was too noisy outside..get pretty cranky... :(
after that 11pm i slept thru till 8am this morning... woke up with headache... :( ate pain killer and now reading my book for later lab test at 2pm...
tonite need to rush on my thesis report... due tomorrow wei.. sigh sigh sigh... now its already week 12 and week 13 i will be having my demonstration to my examiner.. :( i got pretty tense now... but God is with me :D
ok i just update a bit first.. later i will update more.. ho ho ho ho... just finished my study only for tomorrow..
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Colonel Sanders in process...
ok so back
yeah my lecturer.. he looks like...
yeah... he would look like the KFC man when he's old enough to have white hair cover his head... haha....
ok ok.. i shouldnt make joke of my lect.. sorweee....
enjoy urself ~~~
will be off to cameroon tomorrow till sunday evening...
p.s updated - its cameron highland not cameroon the Country... wkaakkak.. sorry wrong spweling...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
esther: sis... sorry hor been very very very bery bz lately this month... must take good care of yourself and your TEETH ya... see i told you, not to brush everynite.. kakaka... study hard ya... i am bz so tht doesnt mean i forgot you k? hehe..
eng kim: bro, thanks for your car this coming weekend, looking forward to hang out with you when i am lesser bz.. take good care of yourself and take more vit C oh... get well soon also
dikos, CY, woon shen, wee hoong and all presenting their thesis in 2 weeks time: all the best and gambate.. your freedom coming soon.. all D and HD i pray...
Jasmine: must take good care of yourself also oh.. drive carefully at nite. and can i know who is the misterious guest for the dinner? hahaha...
meng chyi: its been great to have able to spend time with you more and more lately... you are a great sister for me, an amazing friend for me and an absolute blessing to me...
kelvin yap: you are one good friend for me... hahaha.... always make me laugh, always kacau me and always take good care of me... together we will bring our CG to next level and i always believe in what you are capable to do and tell you this, when you think you cant do it, remember i always think you can do it... :) how cool is that?
shirley: you are the greatest discipler i can ever ask in my life... :) really grateful for what you have done in my life...
ross: i dunno you will stumble upon this blog not... but you know what? i will never forget what you have given and wht you have sown into my life.. you are the first to believe in what i capable of doing... and you always have a place in my heart... i hope that you will always go strong in the LOrd and love Him all the days of your life...
ninis: I miss you
Kelvin Loke: you are always in my heart and you are a wonderful friend for me...
Melinda: You are my little angel.... be more couragous in what you are doing and be more confident ok? you have what it takes to do great things for the Lord... you have a kind heart... love you always!
Jet: keep growing for the Lord, its a blessing for me to know you.. being able to disciple you, being able to see how much you have grown... you are fun to be with and i enjoy being with you...
Doreen: ah you are one nice and sweet girl.. i love you.... :)
Lei, ju, calista and wuisan: my bestest friends.. muah muah muah.... kalian gak bisa diganti d...
btw its not by order ok... everyone carry equal value in my life.. hehe..
Monday, May 12, 2008
very random and not related at all
well i am of course not one of them but i am quite bz too compared to the previous sem.. i am dead tired too.. last weekend, i was actually dead... like a zombie.. i was awake but my brain was dead and i felt dizzy the whole weekend..
but now i am allrite.. even if im not i have to be alrite hehe...
i crave for blueberry muffin... yumm... where can i get muffin other than coffee bean's?
yesterday was mother's day.. so what did you do to celebrate it with your mom? i cant celebrate but to give a call as she is in jakarta.. hehe... i miss her tho.. more like i miss her home made meals.. hehe... and i miss her $$$.. am i a bad daugther? hehe..
a little update on my nephew, garett: he is so big and cute, he can sit on his own already.. must be very cute lor.. i wanna hug him...
i dunno what to write.. so its so random... haha...
ermm.... btw... i wanna to get myself a bag.. targus or crumpler? what say you?
i also wanna get a laptop... toshiba or hp? what say you? plz dun give me other than this 2 brands.. i am a very brand conscious person.. i wont bother other brand when im stuck with one brand... unless it can impress me gao gao...else its kinda useless making me buy that brand... wont happened... keke..
i also wanna get a boyfriend... handsome or rich? what say you? hahahahahahahaha... joking lar...
ok lar.. i need to get little sleep..
btw.. plz donate to my tabung can? i have eaten 5 pain killers for my massive headache in what, 6 days time? just in case my liver rosak and i need new one or just in case the doctor said i need new brain.. haha.. so plz donate k.. and i also needed a massive wardrobe make over hahahaha... *grin*
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
but in the end i decided to buy myself a pair of shoes, been wanting to buy a pair of shoes since cny... ha ha ha... so i bought this shoes from Clarks, im liking it...
chintia and i also spent time at Sasa shop.. haha... i bought evian facial spray, i bought it coz lately my skin get so dry when i am outside :P and the very unexpected thing i bought is vitamin to lengthen my eyelashes.. can u imagine tht? with big eyes i have, my eyelashes was surprisingly very short and its hard for me to put on mascara! not tht i put on mascara everyday but occasionally i do...
wow! its been quite sometimes i really pampered myself with shopping.... i wanted to buy a top too from springfield but i gotta control my spending.. haha..
and i want to get myself a laptop.. dunno wht laptop i can afford.. ugh! i really need one.. my current laptop is so old that i can use it to run any programme for my thesis..
ow ya, and today i show my supervisor a part of the circuit and he said it shouldnt have problem.. i mean i am proud of myself... hahaha..
btw, have you watched The Forbidden Kingdom? i recommend you to watch...i mean its worth the money you spend.. hehe... and i always like jet li's movie... i think he's cool! hehe and very down-to-earth guy... hehe...
i also watched is a sweet movie and really moving.. i really understand how the main character feel, being taken for granted and in the end exploded but feel bad after that... i just heart her.. and the guy? hehe.. he is another guy that has charming eyes.. seriously i have thing for guy with charming eyes.. i think last time, a friend ask me, what thing from a guy tht i will notice first.. i said its the eyes..
well well... i suddenly have the urge to watch sweet romance movies... hahaha...
btw... i am looking up high now.. kekeke.. let those who have ears listen... :)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
well... I.MIss.You!!!!!!!!! remember we always scream "i miss you" at each other even when we stay side by side? hahahaha... well i dunno, i think now its the wee hour tht made me to think of you hahahaha...
hey, one day ok one day.. i will fulfill my long overdue promise to go and to find you in melaka...
so when you getting married?hehehehehe....
we have been bz with our lives now but i really want u to know that you always have a place in my heart and time by time i always remember you when i see lala, ayam percik,tomyam, lekor and whenever i heard the word INTI college which apparently have bcome INTI University College (finally...)
we have been apart for God knows how long, and i have not seen you for God knows how long, but you know, melaka and seremban always brought back my memories with you.. (ok how mushy i can go?)
so darling.......... continue to rock on and together we will conquer this world and marry a super rich guy.. (in this case u pretty stuck with tht fella, plz tell me you guys are still together if not now i very paiseh...)
btw.... writing this now, i also miss our chan mei yuan, mark tty, and our beloved thomas yong... hahaha...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
all bout hair
i am devastated...
someone has the same, or almost similar, hairstyle with me! ARGH! I become more frustated when my hair is neither short nor long so rite now i cant change my hairstyle! i must at least wait another 3-4 months for another hair make over! ugh! why?! why must you copy my hairstyle?!
so.. well... u must know i have no patience when it comes to hair... and i have no patience when it comes to something that involving someone that i dun pretty like..
anihoot... i hv been looking around for another hairstyle that i wanna do in the next phase...
so, bob cut by far is style quite the in-thing, but many ppl have bob cut and they pretty similar, and i hv been mingling around with bob-cut for almost 2 years.. i mean, to be honest, i have bob cut even since its become the in-thing, again, thanks to Paris...
i love bob-cut, no doubt its cute and not so hard to manage..
i was thinking to do some loose perm... i had it once, tho just partially... hehe was thinking to loose perm my hair.. but what if i dun like it? hehe.. but i saw few magz, it is pretty good hairstyle...
and another choice is to keep it long.. but see i have no patience.. so *pip* its out...
or i can cut some non-symetrical hair cut, but.. see... it needs good hands to bring out the hairstyle... and i am pretty lazy person..
hehe... may be should cut botak! *blink*
actually i have another choice... *smirk*... its to cut her,the copycat, hair and let her be bald... hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wualah... i have resolved the problem... *smirk*
please pray for me ya so that my hair grow faster....
ow i saw this hat tht i like... hehe... but it was kinda expensive so well... i see it first.. was thinking to buy it for my trip to the big C... *grin*
what hair do i want? few choices.. let me show you...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
not for weak stomach.. ngiak ngiak
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Moments Captured
the other table, so messy horr!!!
Kevin, J and J...
the Taylor's Gank
the burfday girls
ooppppsss i got caught!!!
Alice ^^
enjoying makan..
fast fast take before it finish... hehe..
u can see we dont really eat vegie...
Ps. I know the photos not in order haha.. enjoy ^^
For author note: photo taken on the 12th of april 2008.